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Mindful Eating Habits


​Are you healthy? Then size doesn't matter. I felt like every time I went on a diet, I started to crave everything that is bad for me. Two problems with that. First, we tend to demonize food, labeling it as good and bad. Food itself is not the problem; we make the choices concerning our diet. Second, we hear ‘diet’ and suddenly we feel deprived. We associate limitations when we hear that word when really it just means ‘what we eat.’ The question is, "Have I chosen a healthy or unhealthy diet?"


Here is the attitude toward food I have developed - you can develop your own:

  • No food is off limits. Of course, if you have health reasons or allergies…some foods should be avoided - ALWAYS check with your doctor. 

  • I choose to eat healthy, whole foods. One attitude I mindfully carry with me is that I plan for healthy meals, but if something comes up or I am out and want French fries…I have French fries. And it is OK.

  • I plan my meals and make cooking enjoyable; play your favorite music, have a glass of wine, or cook with someone special.

Mindful Attitude
Mindful Planning


​What's in Your Cupboard?

  • Get rid of packaged, processed food like chips, candy, crackers, brownie mixes etc. Clear out frozen dinners, pizza, or processed chicken nuggets and ice cream etc. Remove anything that is not healthy and just too tempting. You can still have some of those things, it’s just that now they are reserved for a special occasion or a onetime craving – not every night.

  • Make a list of healthier snacks to keep on hand. I love almonds, grape tomatoes and olives.


Meal Planning

I know – daunting to think about. But, when you get into this habit, you will be so happy you did. It becomes easy to have healthy meals, at home, all week.

Some tips:

  • Friday or Saturday: Plan meals and shopping list.

  • Look at your schedule and decide when you will be eating at home that week. Plan for meals with leftovers for lunches or the next night’s meal. Use the slow cooker – easy and food is ready when you get home. Plan for meals that can be made ahead and frozen for later in the week.

  • Sunday: Do your shopping, prepping and even some cooking for freezing ahead.

  • Get the kids involved in planning meals, prepping and cooking.

  • Make a list of meal ideas to use when meal planning. I use my online recipe list for some of my meal planning, but most meals are with just simple proteins and veggies

  • Plan several weeks of meals and use them over and over. You can always slip in new recipes or meals, but you will have a meal plan ready and won’t have to ‘plan’ each week.


This may still seem like a lot, but I promise, once you get into it, you will see how much easier your life is and how much healthier you are eating. The hard work is upfront and then you will have the tools you need.

Mindful Eating


  • ​Recognize your food: how is it presented? Color, texture, smell?

  • Eat slower: take smaller bites, spend time with the flavors

  • Completely swallow and take a drink of water before your next bite

  • Appreciation: reflect on where your food came from and include gratitude for where each of the part and for those who grew, harvested and provided these foods

  • ​Limit caffeine and alcohol intake

  • Choose whole food over processed

  • Eliminate soda

  • Cut out refined carbs

  • Fill pantry, fridge and freezer with healthy choices

  • Have smaller portions at meals (you can always have more later)

  • Make a plan; be intentional – find a rhythm that fits your lifestyle

  • Find an accountability partner

  • Celebrate your body

Benefits of Water


(from mindbodygreen & the CDC)


Most experts suggest 8 (8 oz) glasses of water a day and your pee should be close to clear. If you don't like the 'taste' of water add some citrus or mint. Here are some amazing benefits of drinking water:

  • Increases energy levels and relieves fatigue

  • Promotes weight loss by flushing your system and reducing hunger

  • Improves your skin complexion and hydrates from the inside out

  • Maintains regularity

  • Can relieve headaches as dehydration is often the culprit

  • Keeps your temperature normal

  • Lubricates and cushions joints

  • Protects your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues

  • Gets rid of wastes through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements

  • Saves you money 

Important to note: my degree is in Transforming Spirituality and not psychology, nor am I a medical doctor. That being said, the reflections offered are born out of my personal journey, education and experience with clients. â€‹I offer these ideas for your reflection and whatever you choose to do should be discussed with your own doctor, or spiritual director. If you are interested in spiritual direction please contact Misi.

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