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Mind, Body, Soul


When "I'll do it later." becomes a habit, then it's time to reset. Every January thoughts of New Year's resolutions fill our heads. We decide that, this time, we are going to lose that weight or start eating healthier or read those books on the shelf. Soon, we get busy, or bored, or discouraged and decide..."I'll do it later."​


What is Mind, Body, Soul?

Mind, Body, Soul is an online program that helps you turn your New Year resolutions into a reality.  You will work with a coach but, you decide what you want to work on. You will have weekly encouragement with reflection to support you along the way. This is a holistic approach to becoming your best self. It's like a three legged stool, doing just one or two of these leaves us unbalanced. Our strength comes in taking into account our whole being; mind, body and soul. 


Mind ~

Research is beginning to show that cognitive activity (lifelong learning) helps promote mental sharpness. Check out these articles from: Psychology Today, Harvard Medical School and The New Yorker. There are other benefits as well: we gain perspective, become more compassionate, we are more motivated, it expands our horizons and we gain confidence through personal achievements.


Need ideas?

Learn a new skill: photography, dance, sailing, knitting, woodworking or painting. Learn about another culture or social justice issue. Trace your family roots, learn to swim or play a musical instrument. Learn a new language...


Body ~ 

We often talk about getting in shape, maybe shedding a few pounds, and that's great. What we seldom talk about, is how to prepare our body to support us in our later years. And that starts now, whether you are 25 or 55. 


Need ideas?

Yoga, walking, lifting weights, increasing water intake and moving away from processed food, swimming, dance, or working with a personal trainer.


Soul ~

​We live in a world of permanent white water and it seems that the only time we slow down is when we get sick or injured. We often hear about creating a balanced life, but that juggling act sets our focus 'out there' somewhere. A more beneficial way is to create a centered life. When we are centered, we are better prepared to handle the ups and downs of life. Engaging in spiritual practices are a great way to keep us centered, this also gives us space to explore who we are and gives us purpose.


​Need ideas?

Meditation (think outside the box here, it is not always what you think), gardening, creative journaling, blessing children or spouse as they leave the house for the day, reading with reflection, and so much more.



Important to note: ​As you consider what you want to do in terms of diet and exercise, your plan should be discussed with your personal medical doctor.

Three-Legged Stool

Which leg of this journey

will you choose first?

Sessions are set up in four week packages. You can sign up for whatever suits your schedule and goals. Begin when it makes sense to you.


No matter what you choose, you will get:

  • Intro session to fine tune your focus and make a plan

  • Weekly email or text with personalized encouragement, articles and ideas

  • Weekly video chat for support and accountability

Coaching Sessions:

4 weeks  $195 ($500 value)

8 weeks  $395 ($1000 value)

Payment Plans available


Use the form below to register or request more information. 

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